Vote God this Philippine Elections 2010

Vote God this Philippine Elections 2010? But God will not run for any position? Far too long, during elections and in our politics, God has been excluded. The VoteGod Campaign seeks to infuse Christian values and spirituality into the electoral process and draw out the same values from both voters and candidates. Choose the way of God!

To put it in simple terms: "Believe in the ideal, not the IDOL"

On this historic Philippine Elections 2010, not only the (AES) Automated Elections System is being implemented but also the future of our country is at stake as well. We as a people always has the tendency to almost all the time look for the "POPULAR VOTE." Being popular does not equate to being a good candidate and all the more, A GOOD LEADER.

But how to we make the right decision if every second of our day we are bombarded by these so called personalities? Simple. Look to your conscience and choose the way of GOD! Do not just listen or even take the word of these aspiring Public Servants but instead do your research and I encourage you to use this L-A-S-E-R test as your Guide. This is to reject the culture of the buying and selling of votes and its variations as well as choose the God-fearing leader.

What is this LASER test of Vote God campaign then? L-A-S-E-R stands for Lifestyle, Action, Supporters, Election Conduct and Reputation. Yes, it is simple and yet complicated. Here's a sample when doing your decision making process in voting for your candidate.

Lifestyle - Does your candidate have a simple life? What does your candidate do in his/her spare time? What are the activities he/she is engaged in (Political, Social, and the like)?

Action - What are they doing now? Is what he/she say or do contradictory? Do they really walk their talk?

Supporters - Are they crazy, passionate, knowledgeable and what are the results, if you LASER test also these supporters as well? Who's helping them?

Election Conduct - Do they engage in mudslingings? What about the conduct of the group/party they represent or are part of? Do they seem to be desperate? Do they follow the LAW with regards to campaigning before and during elections?

Reputation - Simply put, Track record. Accomplishments that are proven and tested, not just mere allegations. The IMPACT of their actions.

Using this simple guide for choosing your candidate and with the aid of the almighty above, hopefully not only you but the candidates you are voting as well will be able to choose the way of GOD.

The VG Campaign ("VoteGOD") was launched recently by the Dilaab Foundation to serve as our guide this coming May 10, 2010 Nation-wide Elections. Help Spread the VOTE GOD VIRUS through the following:

Vote God webpage – just click on the navigation to find what you’re looking for
Vote God Facebook page – become a fan and suggest to friends
Vote God Twitter page – follow us for real-time updates

Let us choose the Way of God and let's Vote God!
Vote God this Philippine Elections 2010 Vote God this Philippine Elections 2010 Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Saturday, April 17, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. Reputation: Killed millions of

  2. true! true! In fact, i have unconsciously L-A-S-E-R-ed these people and have finally chosen one as my president. I don't care if people say I'll be wasting my vote:D
