Geek Mode: Captain America Movie (faints)

Captain America still using the Templar Sheild
Well this is not really up-to-date-Big-news, but I just had to wait for the Teaser Images before I made a blog post about a Captain America Movie. The Captain America Movie Buzz has been out in the net for quite a while now but for those of my readers who aren't updated web geeks. I've seen some related movie with captain america on it, but was done too-comic-like wherein it became a bit cheesy.

But just like recent comic-movie recreations such as Batman Begins, X-Men which had some bit of costume make-over or a bit of realism twist on it; the same will be done for this upcoming CAPTAIN AMERICA movie with the recent confirmed photo leaks or teasers. Although some successful comic-movie franchises has sticked to their costumes on the BIG Screen, like: Spiderman, Ironman to name a few; but their villain counterparts in one way or the other, modified as well.

I've never been a movie geek but I was once fond of comics and I still go for comics-based movies! So be sure to watch and look forward to this movie - The First Avenger: Captain America.

Geek Mode: Captain America Movie (faints) Geek Mode: Captain America Movie (faints) Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Thursday, November 04, 2010 Rating: 5

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