Seafood Bento @ Chibori

Seafood Bento in Chibori Shabu-shabu and Sushi bar

This is my 1st time to taste and eat a seafood bento, I always loved bento but for me this time unfortunately, I was not able to finish the whole bento, sadly. I mean it was awesome an all or perhaps I have not mastered the way of eating japanese food.

Come to think of it, I immediately dived and devoured the sashimi and sushi in the Box, which is quite heavy to the stomach being raw and all. I should have went for the seafood wet-salad thing (forgot its japanese name) in the center. Next time, eat the not-so-raw ones so you won't immediately feel full. The fried fish, tempura and Japanese rice were to die for!!! Till the next encounter with Japanese food!

See my 1st post on CHIBORI Shabu-Shabu and Sushi Bar!
Seafood Bento @ Chibori Seafood Bento @ Chibori Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Saturday, March 12, 2011 Rating: 5

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