Social Good: Social Media Beyond Politics - My Global Youth Day Contribution

More than 50 percent of the world's population is under the age of 30. That demographic, increasingly empowered by new technologies, is a potential driver of economic and social progress. In June of 2012, the Secretary named Zeenat Rahman as Special Adviser for Global Youth Issues and Director of the Office of Global Youth Issues (J/GYI). ACs are encouraged to engage with J/GYI at as you undertake youth reporting and programming. And In 2011, the Secretary signed a State Department Youth Policy Framework, reinforcing the pursuant of three primary strategies:
1) Advance youth issues (education, economic empowerment, civic participation, etc.) in our bilateral and multilateral diplomacy;
2) Empower young people - particularly as economic and political actors - with skills and networks through our programs; and
3) Engage in honest two-way dialogue with young people and involve them directly in our policy processes.

At the American Corner USC Main Library
With that, this is my own contribution to reach out to youth populations in my university and/or community, and come up with programs and activities that will promote growth and stable democratic government! For this engagement, I had some BIG HELP from my friends of IMove, a local youth organization engaging in youth education and many other stuffs; as well as to the University of San Carlos (Main) and the American Corner of the USC Library.

My turn to speak, we had other speakers and activities too!
Head Convener/Organizer-Speaker: Mariejo Sevilla
Audience Participation!!! Woooo~!
I basically helped administer a “Basic Internet Skills” course that introduces students and other young people to using e-mail, social media, etc.. but since it was (Midterm) election season in the Philippines, I had to make it relate-able to the young audience and use local examples of How to use Social Media for the Social Good and not just add to the dirt on politics in the Philippine Internet.

Sadly, it had to end but I enjoyed and learn a lot from the participating youth as well! See my slides below too!
Enjoy the Slides/Presentation (Do let me know your thoughts via the Comment section!) - Social Good: Social Media Beyond Politics:

Social Good: Social Media Beyond Politics - My Global Youth Day Contribution Social Good: Social Media Beyond Politics - My Global Youth Day Contribution Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Monday, June 03, 2013 Rating: 5

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