Pushing my own Limits
Have you ever heard that phrase about pushing the limits? Probably lots of times for that sums up this activity and reflection I made. But before we go to the story, let me just say that this post is my reflection on my recent Running Event participation (Cebu Holdings Inc.'s Fast Forward Faster: The Silver Run).
To date, I've participated in 2, 5K (1st is the Casino Femme Run with friends, and 2nd was Globe's Run for home) runs and 1 uphill 7K run. I don't really consider myself a running enthusiast, I join fun runs not for a single reason, it has to serve multiple reasons and goals. Usually, it's when I like the singlet, a personal goal on fitness and 3rd is when it will serve a cause. This I believe makes the preparation, effort worthwhile. This was my 1st 10Km run and I can say it was difficult, but not impossible. Let the story begin:
After my 2nd 5Km run in 2012, I set a goal for myself that I will move up to 10K, but that didn't happen in 2013 (Although this run was scheduled originally in 2013). I can say I didn't prepare enough for this after what my lower body is feeling as of this writing. I did about 2, 30 min. runs after work last Saturday, Tuesday and Wednesday with 5-7 laps around IT Park.
Running Day
I was a bit worried that I've warmed up and stretched too much, my body has the tendency to react or overact weirdly. But I did it anyway since some familiar faces were around me and if something were to happen, well shit happens. The only consolation to my confusion was when the 1st music that was shuffled to my ears was "Let it Go" and I did & then carried on running.
The pacing was pretty much constant and smooth, taking the advice of my workmate Greggy, by not caring much of whether people were passing me, breathing through the mouth (keeping it open, and occasionally using the nose) and was pretty much relaxed since my running-music was churning out awesome music (although I shuffled it) until...
..the 1st DAMNED water station (I curse you water station around in banilad). I made a rookie mistake in getting 2 (As if I've never joined a run before) cups knowing that its gonna make my stomach feel heavy and I just acted impulsively upon the site of water. Recalling my previous runs, I never take the 1st water station. And also, another mistake is that I didn't stop while trying to drink...the result? NASUD-IPAN, and that practically ruined my "flow".
From that I thought I en-hailed some water and with an oxygen deprived body and probably including my brain, thought of weird scenarios of something happening to me while on the run. You are your own worst enemy.
Running, breathing, while coughing; that was practically the story going to the Ma. Luisa corner-turn and back towards IT park. I was constantly thinking of ways to recover my momentum earlier. And my playlist was giving me some slow-music (I have no idea why I put slow-dramatic music in there). Before heading towards the small road entering IT park, I had thought of the following motivational activities to get in to the zone again:
- Chasing girls - some are really Behind-genic and I tried to slowly chase after them, that soon failed because after about a minute I've lost sight of them. Damn they were fast!
- That unspoken competition - I have shunned the thought of competition ever since I was in college. I'm a cooperation type of guy these days for you can achieve more if we help together. Well that logic doesn't really work with people you don't know while running. It can't be denied that you will notice sooner or later that there are some people who have the same pacing as you and you get ahead of them or of you every now and then. That weird realization and moment when you realize you were running different distances (when we reached a corner, one went on to 5K and the other 25K).
- Think of one word (or phrase) and repeat - "Push," "move," "forward," "funnuraba," "exselior," "carry-on," "you can do it," "one step closer" --this practically turns into cursing towards the end (for me at least).
The highest distances I've gone was 7K so when I estimated I've reached this mark, I thought I should just take quick breather and walked. Another BAD IDEA. Within 30 seconds my legs started to stiffened and pain creeped in. WTF. I then recalled in one of the many random conversations I've had with journalists, specifically UNGO runner Max Limpag about not stopping or walking cause it will hurt more compared to if you keep on maintaining the running pace or stride --something like that. So immediately tried to recover that state but the pain was already there.
Pain and Pleasure
You can't appreciate pain without knowing pleasure and vice-versa. For this case, it was not only figuratively, but also literal physical pain. This was a sign that my body has gone beyond it's comfort zone. In the remaining 3K, my playlist suddenly gave me motivational music. And I was literally laughing while running since it's as if the universe was talking, giving out motivational responses to my situation.
My left leg suddenly became heavier (it was usually the right, being my dominant leg) and an added pain to the knee as well; my playlist churned out "Live like were dying," "I won't Give up," & "can't hold us."
Entering Cebu Business Park again, was a sign that the end was near and I just wanted to get it over with. But things had to start getting slower. My breathing was okay, it's just that my legs are not following my orders properly. You want to move your strides faster but it's heavy and slow as hell. The building frustrations reaches it's peak and you suddenly find yourself, cursing just to keeping moving forward. (!@#$, !@%^&, *&^%, F*ck, sh*t, yawa, fishtea, WTFudge..etc.)
Upon reaching Innove building/Metrobank area, my playlist switched to WINDER ~Boku wa Koko ni iru by Shōnen Kamikaze, the opening soundtrack from Overdrive (Anime about cycling). This was fast paced and gave me a burst of energy towards the finish in which the song also ended!
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10 kilometers, at 1:10:45. Booyah #OOTD #Selfie |
Although the race is over, my lower body is crying and goodluck to me come Monday workday. >_<
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Breakfast + freebie |
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zumbaaaaaa |
- Set a goal with a timeline; basically, decide and then just do it!
- "if we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives." -Lemony snicket
- No matter how small or whether it took small or large amounts of energy, each step is as important as the one before.
- Every run is an opportunity to push and improve yourself, but what's more challenging is to apply the discipline in running into one's daily activities. Everyday is an opportunity to be a better version of yourself.
- it’s just as easy to talk yourself into something as it is to talk yourself out of it.
- There are no shortcuts. Practice. Just keep running
- Running with a purpose is rewarding ^_^
- Enjoy the journey, and view: behindgenic people, sunrise, bystanders staring and drunk people at barcode,..etc.
Goal Checklist:
- Got an awesome black singlet
- Pushed myself to finish my 1st 10K run
- Although I saw familiar faces, talked to work/building mates, this was the 1st run I joined solo without friends #YeahLonerMode?
- Contributed to helping pitch in the livelihood program for Barangay Bagay in Daanbantayan, Cebu (The Run's beneficiary)
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TENKYU Phoebe Artemis for this cake :P |
- First time to read the map in reverse, I've memorized the route but when the race began I was pleasantly shocked with reality
- First time to use my "running music playlist" or to even listen to music at all while running
- Did not sleep before the run (well I couldn't really)
- Eating chocolate fudge cake afterwards :)
- Warmed up and stretched 3 times: 1st was I did myself, 2nd and 3rd was dancing (I'm blaming Zumba)
- Finished without having to catch my breath; my pacing was good, I was probably more bothered with the pain.
- Naka #OOTD selfie nako bwahahahahah. "K" just ignore this part.
- Mistaken (na-aan nga uyab og someone) identity :P
- Found workmates, building-mates, former class/school-mates
- Eating with strangers for breakfast
- Free Food - I didn't expect to be given breakfast
- oh hello there, "call of nature"
See related posts on my previous runs:
See posts on running and events:
Pushing my own Limits
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Sunday, February 02, 2014

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