How Salarium can automate payroll & enable HR
Salarium is a payroll processing software that keeps track of a company’s manpower movement. It provides an end-to-end payroll solution that enables companies of various types and sizes to compute payroll in just a few clicks. It includes time and attendance, payroll generation and disbursement, among others. The automation seeks to free HR of manual reconciliation and reduce human error.
The Salarium platform also offers a complete solution like biometrics system, web-based bundy-clock, timesheet management, time record integration, and mobile applications. Not just HR - Human Resources departments from Companies but also start-ups and freelancers can definitely avail more affordable payroll solutions through Salarium payroll software.
A lot of savings
Judah Hirsch (Center, in the above image), Salarium founder, and the chief executive officer said companies would cut down time allocated by their payroll personnel by using their software. According to Salarium, HR personnel would spend less than half the time it used to do for typical administrative tasks.
Instead of downsizing their HR department, Hirsch noted that companies could retool or retrain their employees to focus on hiring and other higher-value functions. This can be done through reskilling since less time would be needed for the regular HR-payroll functions.
Donna Campogan, finance officer for engineering and construction support firm TechSurge, said they were able to cut downtime doing HR-related processes from two days to only half a day.
Also, Hirsch noted that companies could get between 80 to 90 percent cost savings by using Salarium solutions, compared to other payroll software products. Salarium costs Php50 per employee per month, which is much lower than the Php200 to Php250 it would cost if they use other software.
Hirsch explained that they were able to cut down cost because of SALPay, a Visa debit card paired with an e-wallet. It can be used to do fund transfers, shopping, as well as online banking. It links payroll and disbursement and ensures that the creation of accounts and the payments are faster, more secure and less prone to human error.
Advantage of Reskilling HR Departments
Fear of technology is crippling Filipinos from fully appreciating the convenience of automation. To address this fear of the inevitable change, a new trend in fast-paced industries has emerged--reskilling.
Reskilling is an initiative in which employees learn new skills to improve their capabilities and enhance their current professional track. For Filipino companies, this could be the difference between building more efficient and innovative operations and being left behind with the times.
Reskilling works to everyone’s advantage. For the company, it means enhancing the current and trusted workforce you have by taking away automatable tasks and letting them focus on their true expertise and on newly developed skills. For the employees, not only do they get to learn more skills, they will become even more competent and competitive as professionals.
Such is the case for human resources, an area that Hirsch’s Salarium aims to address. Consider the monthly needs of every company: administrative tasks, attendance monitoring, coordinating with employee needs, filing paperwork, and interviewing potential recruits. These are the most commonly known duties of HR professionals. Except for the last one, a misstep can immediately equate to drawbacks from other departments.
Imagine payroll being even a day late and those who are enduring petsa de peligro will immediately rally outside the department bunk. In the Philippines, these tasks are still done manually by many companies, hence the lingering possibility of delays in processing.
In reality, HR is more crucial in two tasks: hiring potentials and maintaining the powerhouse that is already within the company. These take more than simple paperwork. They put HR as the front-liners of the company, embodying its values, and assessing whether candidates are a hit or miss.
At the end of the day, employees may benefit more to feel relief than fear when faced with a disruptive piece of technology like Salarium. Employers can help their manpower feel more confident in not working for but with technology because they are ready and reskilled to do more in their professional roles.
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How Salarium can automate payroll & enable HR
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Saturday, July 20, 2019

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