Launching of Defcon Philippines, an IT Security organization & DefconPH Bloggers Conference

The soft launching of Defcon Philippines (DefconPH) on December 20, 2008 will bring together IT Security Professionals and Hackers to discuss their solutions, exploits and experiences in this complicated and critical field of IT Security arena. Launching of this organization will commence in Handuraw, 460 Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City from 1PM to 6PM. Attending this launching puts you one step ahead in preserving your company's reputation, keeping your company solvent, and showing your value to your employer. DefconPH is a registered Defcon Group International as DC6332.

This half-day power packed event will cover the latest topics in IT security, hacking and protection. Learn how to avoid embarrassing and expensive data breaches, protect valuable information, and many more. Respective sponsors are and . For more details visit the official website at or email and see the event details Here.

Also, The “DefconPH Bloggers Conference” set on December 14, 2008 will allow Cebu bloggers and its neighboring cities to meet, share ideas and discuss developments about DefconPH. This will give them an opportunity to interact properly face to face with the people behind DefconPH in time for their launching on December 20, 2008.

Agenda during the said Bloggers Conference are:
a) Objectives of DefconPH
b) Introduction of the Core Members
c) Future Plans and Activities
d) The Future of IT Security Professionals & Hackers
e) Vulnerabilities and Exploits
f) Short Demo
g) Others

Expect CBS to Storm these events!!
Launching of Defcon Philippines, an IT Security organization & DefconPH Bloggers Conference Launching of Defcon Philippines, an IT Security organization & DefconPH Bloggers Conference Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Saturday, November 01, 2008 Rating: 5

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