Philippine 2010 Elections Getting Closer

Now that the November 08 US Election is over, the next thing to watch out for is the Philippine 2010 Elections. The next Philippine President election will make or break the Philippines. Come 2010, we will conduct our national election here in the Philippines where we will be electing a new President, Vice-President, Senators, Congressmen, etc. As early as now, announcements here and there are being made on who the aspiring individuals are going to be.

During the CBS-US Election watch @ SM Northwing, a mock elections was conducted. The US is not totally adapting a full electronic voting system, it would depend per state. I have learned some used the old manual ballot counting, others used an electronic reader/scanner, some are fully electronic in which after a touch of a screen one’s vote has already been counted and the like. Another thing that which amazed me and made me envious was the speed and their belief of the American System.

By that I mean more or less it was done within 1-2 Days plus-minus. And if we compared that to Philippines’, I would say it would seem that the counting would take years or when it’s done, delays pop up here and there. I was also amazed on the attitude of the candidates with regards to the Obama’s proclamation as president. The losing candidates accepted defeat and the supporters as well acknowledge the victory, now why can’t we be like that? Why do we have to be sore losers? (That includes me sometimes)

I will be curious with a lot of things come this 2010 elections, I am curious how our local candidates will apply technology into their campaign. Aside from the Web, Social Networking, SMS, CDs and the like which are more accessible for most tech savvy youth. I am curious as well whether some of the candidates will STILL have the same platform or a new one.

The US president-elect will be tackling a financial crisis, two wars and climate change, but what about the Philippine president to succeed this administration? The candidate that gets my vote will most likely have to have a good program/project implementation skills, must also address the environment and climate change, and the retaining of our Talents who continue to go abroad for greener pastures (Not that it’s a bad thing-My dad is an OFW too).

I dream that the Philippines is a First World Country equal to that of Japan, US and Singapore. Do you believe that our country will ever reach a First World Country category? Most of us don’t and that’s the reason why we are poor, because we don’t believe we are rich. We are defeated by the way we think, because of poor mental attitude.

Our lack of clear perspective of the things important to us and our uncertainty as to which of the candidates will be able to address those concerns may stop or disinterest us from voting altogether. One way or another, we must contribute in deciding the future of our country. Hopefully this time around we have all learned how to choose the next leader of our beloved Philippines. If not, in the end, the people are still left to fend for themselves amidst such troubling crisis. 2nd political post…what do you think?
Philippine 2010 Elections Getting Closer Philippine 2010 Elections Getting Closer Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Monday, November 10, 2008 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Im curious as well. Im profiling the candidates. It would be nice to know of what are their potentials and inclinations.
