Valentines' or Singles' Appreciation Day

Valentine's Day or Saint Valentine's Day is a holiday celebrated on February 14 by many people throughout the world. In the West, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards, presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. Singles Appreciation Day came about in modern times, when people made a big deal on celebrating Feb 14, where in this prompted singletons around the world to protest the so-called love day (OK just made the S.A.D. part up). With the exception of the typical Aztec feast day—in which priests literally ripped the beating hearts out of hundreds of trussed, terrified captives—no holiday in human history has caused more misery than Valentine’s Day.

This is just like most holidays but not technically a holiday. Just like any other event, it has become over commercialized which makes it worse for singles out there. I mean I saw a Php950.00 bouquet of flowers, I simply don’t understand the price and people still buy it. Well, that’s business for you but some businesses aren’t taking advantage of it which is surprising.

This year, the day falls on a Saturday. On a weekday, you can often skim by the event, citing an early morning or late work night to distract yourself — but a weekend? It's hard to ignore.

I’m sure you’ve received this forwarded email but I’ll just repost this:

"Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all; the others including Love; One day it was announced to all of the feelings there that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean, so all the feelings prepared their boats to leave.

Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to remain in the island until the last possible moment. It was for sentimental reasons love said. Soon, the island started to sink wherein it was almost underwater. Love finally decided it was time to leave and let go and began asking for help.

Wealth passed by riding a luxury yacht and loved asked: “Wealth, can I join you in you boat?” Wealth answered: “I’m sorry, but there is a lot of silver & gold and there’s simply no room left!” Then love decided to ask vanity for help and she cried out: “Vanity, help me please..” and the response was: “I can’t help you since you’re wet and dirty, you’ll mess my beautiful boat!”

Next, Love saw sadness passing by and she asked the same thing, but sadness in a depressed tone said: “I’m sorry I need to be alone right now.” Happiness passed and the same thing happened, Happiness was too overjoyed to even notice her. Love was feeling hopeless and yet she hear a voice” “Come and I will take you with me.”

Love felt so blessed and thankful that she forgot to ask for the elder’s name. Love realized that she owed the elder and found knowledge and asked him who it was that helped her; and then Knowledge answered: “It was TIME.” "

I’ve never had much luck in the romance department, and each year, Valentine’s Day serves as a glaring reminder of this fact. After all, a day that focuses on romance when you are single, by choice or not, is difficult. But do remember that someone has it worse than you and you aren’t alone — no matter how much you may feel like it.

Also Happy Anniversary to Cebu Blogger's Society!!!
Valentines' or Singles' Appreciation Day Valentines' or Singles' Appreciation Day Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, February 15, 2009 Rating: 5


  1. Di man dapat mag-guol ang single bai...

    Awa.. wai gasto kwarta ug freeeedom. Hahahaha (bitter)

  2. waaaaaaaaaaa! i love to be single but when i am single i need love.. parental love! hahahah..
    btaw, mas ok man kuno ang single kaysa double! lisod na!

  3. hahah..well for me, valentines day is just an ordinary day for me.. y not make everyday be a valentines day?..

  4. Ako, I spent half my day in skul en seeing the dentist... the other half, I spent it in church with my friends... E di, mas daghan ko nabuhat kaysa spending so much time planning on a date:D

  5. haD a BAd ValentiNes day...aeheh!

    nasaKit Ko...wahahahh!

  6. valentines? nag-ulan man pero 8 depends upon ur mood. 8s all in ur mind..every day is a special day.

  7. hahaha... Valentine's Day doesn't necessarily mean having a partner dbah? haha... Well, it's just an ordinary day anyway.. mga pipz ra man sad nagpa-big deal anah ui.. hahaha

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. bai iggy..d na ta anang lab2x oi.. haha..

    apil na lagi ko sa emung campaign! hahaha..

    lab? - pwew2x..

    webslave's portal
