Aboitizland's Kishanta Photoblog Contest
Aboitizland will be having a Photoblog Contest in one of there Communities which will be in Kishanta. The Photoblog Contest shall be held in Kishanta at Lagtang, Talisay City. Please see the general guidelines for the Aboitizland's Kishanta Photoblog Contest below.
General Guidelines:
1. Kishanta photoblog contest is open to all professional and amateur digital photographers.
2. Location will be in Kishanta at Lagtang, Talisay.
3. Registration is at the AboitizLand office at Paseo Uno, Ma. Luisa road, Banilad, Cebu City. Registration period is from May 24, 2010 to May 31, 2010, 9:00am to 5:00pm
4. Pictures can be taken any time after registration of the contestant until June 11, 2010. Winners will be announced on June 19, 2010.
5. Pictures can be any of the categories:
a. Architecture
b. Landscape
c. Zen
d. Life in the community
6. Pictures should clearly establish being taken in or a part of Kishanta.
7. It can feature a touch of human elements provided it looks candid and natural not staged.
8. It must include a copy or short brief regarding the image which will also be used when posting the picture.
9. Digital enhancements are allowed at a minimal level keeping the photo as real as possible but are limited to:
a. Color correction and slight enhancement across the frame and not just a portion of it
b. Dodge & Burn
c. Levels & Curves adjustment
d. Cropping & Cloning is allowed provided they look actual and realistic in the photos
e. No superimposing or cut & paste of elements that are not part or does not belong to the image
10. Photos submitted must be in digital format, HD/HQ image at 300dpi in jpeg or tiff. Along with information on date and time the photos were taken.
11. Submitted entries will be property of AboitizLand, Inc. Photo royalty is exclusive for AboitizLand’s use. Credit will be given to the photographer when applicable.
Criteria for judging
50% Overall Impact
- creativity
- composition
- content
30% Technical Quality
10% Originality
10% Copy
Prizes for the Aboitizland's Kishanta Photoblog Contest:
1st prize is 15,000, 2nd prize 10,000, 3rd prize 5,000
Visit Aboitizland's Made for Life Page for updates and more information! Join the Aboitizland's Kishanta Photoblog Contest now!
Aboitizland's Kishanta Photoblog Contest
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

my wife and I have got a lot in Kishanta and planning to setttle down there upon retirement, God willing! it's a nice and cool place to spend amidst the silence and panorama of the hills and sea and sky.........