DevCon 2010 in Cebu

Devcon Event sync, support and succeed was held last June 25th, 2010 @ 3:00 pm -- Casino Español (107-109 v. Ranudo Street, Cebu City). The DevCon Philippines Event was free and was very much enjoyable and a learning experience in different levels.

Devcon started in Visayas, hopped down to Mindanao, went up to Luzon, and now, one year since its inception, DevCon Philippines is going back to its humble roots—but on a national scale. As one of the culminating feature activities during the Cebu Business Month in June, DevCon Philippines marks a milestone as the premier gathering of IT professionals, students and enthusiasts in Cebu City last June 25.

DevCon or Developers Connect empowers Filipino 'geeks' to embrace global best practices for skills improvement and professional advancement, encouraging collaboration, interaction, and mentoring among developers and academe in an informal setting where IT spells fun. In a word, a showcase of IT Pinoy Talent!

DevCon showcased Lightning Talks or fast-paced presentations of the newest technology by the experts themselves; Birds of a Feather for either like-minded discussions or intense debates on a mutual topic of interest; and the coding marathon that is Hackathon, where real programmers shine through hands-on demonstrations and/or joint coding onsite. Not to miss are beer and pizza, the so-called staple food of developers.

On its first year anniversary, DevCon's growth also brings with it a move outward of host association PSIA and into its own non-profit entity, DevCon Foundation, to create focus and ensure sustainability. Composed of volunteer members, DevCon Foundation has elected its pioneering officers:

President: Jerry Rapes, G2iX
Executive Vice President: Diane Suico
VP for Membership: Joanne Eduardo, G2iX
VP for Ways and Means: Aileen Apolo-de Jesus, Google
VP for External Affairs: Jo-Anne Loquellano, PSIA
VP for Infrastructure: Jerome Gotangco, G2iX

DevCon Foundation will also be supported by the Ayala Foundation as part of its partner organization.
DevCon 2010 in Cebu DevCon 2010 in Cebu Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Friday, June 25, 2010 Rating: 5

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