CIT is now CIT University

Today CIT is now CIT University, from Cebu Institute of Technology (CIT) to CIT University after the school's accreditation efforts! A Holy Mass was held at the CIT University Gym last 4 PM. After the Holy Mass will be program proper for the CIT's inauguration to CIT University. After a long time, my alma matter CIT is now a university while retaining its name with 'University' after CIT.

Below is the Program for CIT University Inauguration (JULY 22, 2010):

INVOCATION - College of Education Dean Arsenio C. PacaƱa



WELCOME REMARKS - VP for Administration, John Gregory B. Escario

TALK ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY STATUS - VP for Academic Affairs, Atty. Corazon Evangelista-Valencia

PRESENTATIONS (in following order):

CIT University Elementary

CIT University High School

College of Engineering and Architecture

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Nursing

College of Commerce

College of Education

College of Computer Studies

Closing Remarks - MIS/SPS Director, Engr. Bernard Nicolas E. Villamor

Once again, Congratulations to CIT University!
CIT is now CIT University CIT is now CIT University Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Thursday, July 22, 2010 Rating: 5

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