Go Globe to get Samsung Galaxy Tablet

Samsung is proudly showing off their Galaxy Tab. They are making it out to be the hip, new device that is the latest in tablet computers. The Samsung Galaxy Tablet is also now available with Globe. A quick Crash description about it is this: It's basically a Smart-Phone+Tablet that is half the Size of an iPAD.

Here are some of my 1st impressions about the Samsung Galaxy Tablet-Phone~(1) Too small for a tablet and too big for a phone; (2) Too Big for your pocket - Compared to a phone or other portable media player, this is a big boy; (3) Android Isn't yet optimized for tablets - Hugo Barra, Director of products for mobile at Google has said, "Froyo is not optimized for use on tablets."; (4) New APPs? - New apps for tablets?

More info about the Samsung Galaxy Tablet below

Coy Caballes, Video Blogger and Globe's Social Media Manager posing with a Samsung Galaxy Tab
I was able to get upclose with a Samsung Galaxy Tablet in the Newly opened Globe Store in Ayala Active Zone in Ayala Center Cebu.

Check out the New Globe Store to buy this Samsung Galaxy Tablet-Phone there!
Photo Credit: FocalGlassVernon Go
Go Globe to get Samsung Galaxy Tablet Go Globe to get Samsung Galaxy Tablet Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Friday, December 17, 2010 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. I love the Samsung Galaxy Tab :D

    Thanks for the photo credit iggy :)
