The Rise of Collaboration
I also believe that collaboration is key to a faster development and achievement of success. I found this Ted Talks video about theRISE OF COLLABORATION both informative and really important- for this one comment:
Technology is enabling trust.
What the author/speaker found fascinating that as technology evolves it regresses into natural human behavior - we are sharing and consuming on a global scale albeit local. What this means for innovators means that by linking the wisdom of crowds and the power of numbers we change the rules of traditional business.
I find that the Removing of traditional distribution models, means that sharing of goods and services that are everyday items may actually soon one day challenge giants such as Wallmart.
New business models are emerging:
1) What is Friend- new interpersonal relationships are emerging.
2) Peer to Peer - technologies, social networks
3) Eco concerns - we are consious of our impact on our world
4) Global Financial - we are more cautious now and aware that even 'To Big To Fail' really means it can fail.
I enjoy ideas, I enjoy challenge - I enjoy the disruptive nature of the Web- which by its nature connects us, opening new models for learning, commerce and relationships.
A powerful shift has begun.
What are you working on? Traditional Push marketing and distribution models or the power of network?
The Rise of Collaboration
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Friday, February 25, 2011
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