Cebu Mozilla Firefox Four Party

Just recently, a small party with a group of bloggers and web developers in Cebu happened which was for FIREFOX FOUR! It was a very simple party and it had one aim, to build awareness of the latest browser version of the Mozilla Firefox: the Mozilla Firefox 4. I used Mozilla Firefox as an alternate to IE but then shifted to Chrome and then became my backup browser (Firefox again) since some sites in Chrome are buggy, random crashes and just some annoying stuff every now and again.

Then recently, March 22, 2011, Mozilla Firefox launched their Version 4 of the browser. I love the new sleek look with a very fast start up and that Grouping of Bookmarks sort of thing feature!

Talk on the Firefox 4.0 Features
The Mozilla Firefox party started with introductions from the organizers, speakers and guests for coming over and of course, sharing to everyone my personal Mozilla Firefox experience. Then the explanation began about the newest improvements of Mozilla Firefox 4 along with some plug-ins and add-ons which he recommended for bloggers to use.

Goodies and Giveaways
Q & A followed and then raffles and games! And I almost forgot, no one left empty handed and our stomachs were full from the food.

Bloggers wif me
The Mozilla Firefox Cebu party was a success and I hope more events like these come in Cebu! Have you tried the Mozilla Firefox 4 already? Try it out now! (Download it HERE)

Photo Credit: Photoblogger
Cebu Mozilla Firefox Four Party Cebu Mozilla Firefox Four Party Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, May 01, 2011 Rating: 5

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