Yahoo! PH Provides Workshops in Cebu

Photos from Flickr, Yahoo!
This is an interesting initiative from Yahoo! PH in providing IEC workshops in Cebu. I was actually able to attend 2 of these which actually started last March with CBE - Coalition for Better Education, Cebu Normal University in providing awareness for responsible Online activities.

Yahoo! PH’s Erwin Oliva, Sam Jacobo, and Joey Alarilla were their to educate us with their own knowledge and experiences. They started off with how blogging and social media started but what I found relevant were the examples they shown in terms of the "Philippines" scenario. And also how Netizens are now Producers and consumers which is a great example of the convergence on the Internet which turns them into 'Pro-sumers.'

It's totally a re-enforcement of what I was advocating through the Blog Talks @ Schools on how limited our locally generated content is and that we can do something about it through blogging and perhaps through responsible use of Social Media!

Kudos to Yahoo! PH!
Yahoo! PH Provides Workshops in Cebu Yahoo! PH Provides Workshops in Cebu Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Thursday, May 12, 2011 Rating: 5

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