Good Advice Project: Sukhvinder Singh #11

Good Advice Project: Sukhvinder Singh #11
Here's a Good advice from Sukhvinder Singh #11; Wandering Volunteer and Hospitality Professional.

Thank you sharing your Good advice, Namaste! :)

"Do not forget about yourself."
It may sound a bit selfish, but it is good to be selfish sometimes. If you think to much of others and you forget yourself, in the end you are hurting yourself. Sometimes I even forget to put myself first, but I realize it isn't selfish, but necessary.

The way you treat yourself can set the standard for how others will treat you. To choose you is to love yourself, this is so we know what we deserve for we can't expect anyone else to.

If you are into volunteering or charity, how can you do charity work if you yourself is in need of charity? At the end of the day, you have to take care of you first before others.

"When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself." - Paulo Coelho


This reminded me that putting yourself first is indeed not selfish while thinking of yourself constantly is being selfish. We must recognize that is the difference.

 What do you think of this good advice?

About this 365 Good Advice project:
-My own version of a 365 project;
-reconnecting with the willing 1,400+ friends of mine (based from facebook)

-"Good" I mean the exact opposite of selfish. How can we give people good advice in order for them to care about others and not just of themselves.
-my friends share their "Good advice” – one every day or every other day or every after coffee talk.

For more information, do read the main blogpost on 365 Good Advice Project: Coffee Talks/Dates

Good Advice Project: Sukhvinder Singh #11 Good Advice Project: Sukhvinder Singh #11 Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, February 01, 2015 Rating: 5

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