It's as if I can't go without rock climbing every year. This time, we tried out another crag, the Poog Crag which is also located in Toledo and is only about 15 minutes away from Cantabaco (which is one of the best rock climbing areas in the Philippines) via Habal-habal.
The popularity of rock climbing in Cebuand the Philippines, as a whole has seen a slowly but surely increase of interest in the said activity. Now, we have more choices other than the usual beach-ing, waterfall chasing, mountain hiking or other outdoor and tourism activities.
Photo From Maria Sepe; you can actually ride a habal2 from the national road but we decided to walk-trek as warm up
This crag is not really a 'secret' since old-school mountaineers or even rock climbers are aware of it's existence. I was told that during the 'olden' days, this crag was free-climbed most of the time before someone or a group of outdoorsmen set-up the stuff for safety ropes and equipment as well as identifying routes.
From another angle
Compared to the Cantabaco Crag, this one is more open and I guess higher in altitude I guess since Lutopan-Toledo area is already elevated (and being a mining town-city as well). You are definitely exposed more to the heat and the elements here compared to the shady and cool Cantabaco crag.
The Poog Crag at High Noon
Behind the crag - as seen above there is a possible cave system in the area
Compared to the first time I rock climbed and visited Cantabaco, the locals now are more aware of these sort of activities as the local government is starting to be active in tourism related activities. But Poog cliff is still not-that known although it is easier to access compared to Cantabaco since the jump-off point of 'Poog' is right beside the national road.
To the frequent rock climbers, poog crag is known to be one of the most gnarly rock faces (daghan buslot, bumps and holes) in Cebu. Because of this feature, the Poog crag is ideal for novice climbers with a lot of bumps, and holes that make great handholds and footholds.
There are shady areas and a tree with a swing to play with
Plenty of photo-opportunities as well
Finally succeeded to do my goal of selfie-while climbing the crag pose
another angle and view - alriggggghtttt!!
Having tried two different crags, this may seem easy but you can get analysis-paralysis with this since there's so many choices to choose from. This is also the crag that I got a nasty gash on my hand (because the handholds are sharper compared to Cantabaco) although I still managed to somehow finish the route.
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Finding the crag:
Poog Crag is very accessible. Take a Toledo-bound bus at the Cebu City South Bus Terminal or via V-Hire. Ask the conductor to drop you off at the Upper Poog-Toledo Highway crossing at the left side of the Uling-Toledo highway. Landmark is a sari-sari store named Rosita’s Store.
For guideship services, contact Cantabaco guide Sir Enie Yonson via facebook and at 0943- 0688985 or 0948-7124875.
Our guide at the center - Photo by Maria Sepe
To more rock climb activities!! Wohoooo! See Video Documentation below!
Return to Rock Climbing at Poog Crag in Toledo Cebu
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Monday, April 03, 2017
Rating: 5
Hi, my name is Vernon Joseph Go and I’m a Content Creator! For more information on my work, inquiries and other opportunities, or to just say hello, feel free to get in touch.
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