How to Pay Your Insurance or Investments Online Using BPI Express Online

We don't like friction in our lives, that is why we have so many innovations, technologies and options out there that make better use of our time. This is where Uber, eCommerce, online banking and the like emerged hence this article was made - How to Pay Your Insurance or Investments Online Using BPI Express Online!

Now, this is not something that was sponsored by BPI, not at all. I choose to feature this because I'm a customer who uses this platform since I find it most convenient and easy compared to other bank platforms I have tried. Also, this is something I also recommend to my clients to use.

First, enroll Your Insurance/Investment Account to Your BPI Express Online Account. This step assumes that you already have a BPI Express Online account. Here’s a step-by-step process:

1. Log in to your BPI Express Online account.
Fill in your login details, such as your username and password.

2.  In the menu bar, select Payments and Reloading >> Bills Payment >> Enroll All Other Bills

3. Fill out the form, and in the Bill Information, look for...
As an example, I will use Sunlife - Sunlife has an insurance group and an asset management (investments) group; the two are separate corporate entities. Different companies can have different names and codes. So you can use this step for other companies that you also want to pay bills online like: utilities, water, telecommunications..etc..

SUNLIFE OF CANADA (SUNLIF) - For your insurance, VULs
Sun Life Asset Management, Inc. (SLAMCI) - for your Mutual Funds

If you have multiple accounts in the same bank, choose which ATM Card Number you want your deposit to be deducted from.

Joint Account Indicator (JAI) No – located at the lower right hand part of your ATM card across your name

Reference Number – this is your Policy Number which can be found at your Sun Life contract.

Click Submit!

4. Wait for the Confirmation Page
You will receive an email confirming the enrollment of your account.

Bills Payment
Once you have enrolled, it's time to pay your bills/policy/investments.

1. In the menu bar, go to Payments and Reloading >> Bills Payment >>Pay Bills Today and then fill up the form.

2. Click Submit. Then, you will then receive an email confirming your transaction.

Please take not that it takes three banking days before the transaction is completed.

This is convenient, as you don’t need to line up in the bank anymore. And it’s also helpful when you forget your policy number, as it’s already registered online.

How to Pay Your Insurance or Investments Online Using BPI Express Online How to Pay Your Insurance or Investments Online Using BPI Express Online Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Friday, February 09, 2018 Rating: 5

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