GBG Cebu’s Bizfest 2019 Conference to help businesses

(From left to right) Lenli Tuhoy, Bizfest Cebu 2019 Organizer; Rome Nicolas, Bizfest Cebu 2019 Organizer; Maryanne Apale, Bizfest Cebu 2019 Organizer; Jason Nieva, Incubator Manager of UP Cebu inIT; Nannette Arbon, DTI-7 Assistant Regional Director; Gee Quidet,  Bizfest Cebu 2019 Organizer; Ysabel Padin, Bizfest Cebu 2019 Organizer.
Entrepreneurs will be taught how to use the latest technologies and digital tools to improve their businesses during the Bizfest Cebu 2019 on November 30, 2019, at the University of the Philippines Cebu (UP Cebu).

Bizfest, Google Business Group (GBG) Cebu’s biggest annual event is expected to gather around 150 individuals, startups, and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of Cebu.

There will be talks and workshops starting with a panel discussion participated by successful entrepreneurs in the morning. In the afternoon, there will be breakout sessions that include a hands-on workshop about self-empowerment, startups, and MSMEs.

Some of the workshop topics are: Building Your Team and Hiring, Developing the Entrepreneurial Mindset, and Google Tools for Your Business.

The event will be held from 8 AM to 6 PM at the Arts and Sciences Conference Hall of UP Cebu.
The event is free. To register, fill out this form at For more information, visit

Google Business Group Cebu’s Facebook page at @GBGCebu.

About the organizer

GBG Cebu is a non-profit community of business professionals sharing knowledge about Google web technologies for business success.

The group organizes free social gatherings, workshops, online hangouts, larger events and other activities for business professionals and aspiring entrepreneurs to learn how to use technology to better market their company online, successfully sell products or services on the internet, or improve business processes for their organization.

For more information on GBG Cebu, visit their Facebook page:

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GBG Cebu’s Bizfest 2019 Conference to help businesses GBG Cebu’s Bizfest 2019 Conference to help businesses Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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