Stop making new years resolutions
Sticking to resolutions is hard and we all know there’s a lot of talk and pressure in January about getting fitter, being healthier, saving money, getting out of debt, investing and the like promises.
The first of month of the new year seems to be like the perfect time to begin anew. The world is celebrating, emotions are high, and the whole world is poised to bloom into renewed life over the next few months. Most of us join this wave and make those resolutions, or simply reinvent ourselves.
And by the 3rd week of January or mid-February, we fail. And we tend to forget those promises.
A quick history on New year’s resolutions
The making of New Year’s resolutions is an old habit of humans, extending all the way back to the ancient Babylonians, who were making resolutions about 4,000 years ago. They made promises to their gods to pay off debts and returned borrowed items—promises that, if kept, were thought to curry favor with the gods in the coming year.
We have somehow understood that Resolutions are a way of erasing the mistakes of the past through the promise of a better and brighter future. But fast forward to today’s era, why do we continually make the same promises to ourselves year after year, only to fail time and again?
Why we Fail
Unrealistic expectations are a big reason for failed resolutions. The reason is simple: we’re confining our efforts to change to one day a year. And with so many lists and bullet points at that. I’m not saying it is impossible but we often forget that although change is a constant in this world, but most people tend to resist change as well.
The initial emotions and anticipation we felt in the new year gets used up. Change requires time. Conscious change requires consistent effort and energy to do.
Paradigm shift
Instead of seeking to change in a short span of time, prioritize and plan out certain things you need to change. Look inwardly and start small first before going after bigger promises.
Willpower is a muscle like any other—it can be weakened through disuse, or strengthened through regular practice. And the product of a strong will is self-discipline, which is the factor that will have you keeping to your promises.
Discipline helps you intentionally build good habits, and good habits build good lifestyles. Emotion alone cannot do this for you. Once you make a habit of making small promises to yourself and keeping them, you can move on to bigger and better things.
Reflect and see the problems in your life you wish to solve. If you notice that your pile of debt is beginning to get out of control around mid-year, make a plan to get out of it and do it slowly but surely.
Start with small changes and continue to build on these or try to tackle one change at a time
Try to set yourself goals, reflect on your progress towards these, acknowledge that changes can be hard, and results won’t happen overnight. Ask yourself these questions:
-Why do you want to make the change?
-Is your goal concrete and measurable?
-What is your action plan?
-Who can support you as you work toward change?
-How will you celebrate your victories?
Remember—every month, every day, every hour, and every breath is a new beginning.
Take advantage of them all.
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Stop making new years resolutions
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Friday, January 24, 2020

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