ITO ANG ARAW MO: Millenials Rallied to Take Action on their Financial Goals


Sun Life Philippines will rally Millennials to hit the restart button on their dreams with a new
digital campaign that prompts them to claim a new beginning in their journey towards a brighter

Entitled “Ito ang Araw Mo,” the campaign was launched recently with a digital video highlighting
the unique experiences of today’s generation, such as graduating in a virtual ceremony,
exploring gaming as a career, pursuing online entrepreneurship, and starting a new family in
extraordinary times. 

The “Ito ang Araw Mo” campaign takes inspiration from the pursuits of the Millennials who are
keen on building their career, growing their wealth, and finding self-enrichment amid the

The times we are in may have pushed Millennials to put their goals on hold, but it also brought
out their creativity, resourcefulness, and undeniable spirit. They are well equipped to fulfill all
their dreams, even as they navigate their way in a new environment
,” Sun Life Chief Marketing
and Client Experience Officer Gilbert Simpao said. “It all begins with recognizing the start of this
new chapter in their lives, taking control of what they can accomplish today, while working on
their bigger goals in the future with Sun Life as their partner.

To inspire and enable them with specific actionable to-dos, Sun Life will hold an interactive
workshop entitled “Build Bright Habits to Reach Your Goals” on March 20, 10am, featuring
international author, speaker, and life coach Dr. Christine Carter and AHA! Behavioral Design
Managing Director TJ Agulto.

These bright habits on self-improvement, relationships, and personal finance will be reinforced
through a Facebook community where they can avail mini mentorship programs, weekly
challenges, and exclusive promos in the company of their fellow goal-achievers.

Those ready to craft their financial plans and be experts in handling their money are encouraged
to seek the help of a Sun Life advisor, who can help them create a financial roadmap that
matches their needs and will put them in a better position to make their plans a reality.

“Ito Ang Araw Mo” updates and other relevant information will be posted on Sun Life’s various
online platforms for those who wish to take part in the activities and for those looking for added

There may have been a tremendous shift in our lives, but Millennials have the power to realize
their goals and aspirations. It can start today
,” Simpao said. “Ito ang araw nila, and it would be
Sun Life’s honor to be their partner for life in this journey

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ITO ANG ARAW MO: Millenials Rallied to Take Action on their Financial Goals ITO ANG ARAW MO: Millenials Rallied to Take Action on their Financial Goals Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Friday, March 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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