FELIX Restaurant @ Greenbelt

Felix Restaurant
On dinner of my first trip to Makati, Philippines, We went to FELIX Restaurant in Greenbelt 5 or was it 6 I think. The place was really alive even though it was becoming late already at night. Special thanks to Ayala Land and Alveo for this dinner treat!

Interior design and lighting
mouth watering view
The interior of the place was very calming and was very much fitting for dinner dates (I think..). And the buffet set-up was very well lit and well presented, you can see it from a far and your mouth will start to water, all the more once you get closer and actually smell it!

Chicken and Mushroom Ravioli
Pasta Alfredo
Oven baked Rosemary Chicken 
Oven baked Salmon with Tomato
BBQ Back Ribs with mango
The mixed Meal
Devil's Chocolate with Caramel Sauce and Mango Crepe Samurai
Since there were too many people in the buffet line, I was not able to take a picture of all the Food offerings in FELIX. The Food offerings are as follows: Mango Crepe Samurai, Chicken and Mushroom Ravioli, Pasta Alfredo, Safron Rice, Oven Baked Rosemary Chicken in Olive Oil, Oven Baked Salmon with Tomato Chorizon Sauce, Devil's Chocolate w/ Caramel Sauce and BBQ Baby Back Ribs w/ Philippines Mango.

Media and Ayala-CHI peeps
Many thanks for the FOOD in FELIX and Till the next food adventure!
FELIX Restaurant @ Greenbelt FELIX Restaurant @ Greenbelt Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Rating: 5

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