Downtown Cebu Revitalization Project

Bloggers asking Mayor Rama questions about his projects during the Amalfi Oasis Launching
We were given a chance to borrow the mayor's time for quick chit-chat. We did this during the Amalfi Oasis Ground Breaking since he was already there and we just so happens to be there as well. While others had there share of questions, I specifically asked him about the Downtown Cebu Revitalization Project. In a few weeks time locals and tourists alike will again experience another festive atmosphere right at the country’s oldest street, Colon. This time however, the activities will no longer be focused on Colon but also in other major streets of downtown Cebu City such as Magallanes, Legazpi, Manalili, P. Lopez, Osmena, and Juan Luna.

For this year, the organizers under the leadership of Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama will once again embark on a more ambitious and bigger “Downtown Revitalization Project” with the purpose of reviving the lost glory of the old downtown. Plans are currently being discussed to promote the cultural and historical significance of the old downtown.

About Downtown Revitalization Project:

The Downtown Revitalization Project was a project of then Cebu City Vice-Mayor Michael Rama which came as an offshoot of the Colon Kasadya 2005, a Christmastime revelry along the entire stretch of Colon Street whose very purpose was to add a festive and businesslike atmosphere in the area. Vendors strutted their stuff at 6 PM and onwards. The result was an outdoor shopping experience similar to Hong Kong and Bangkok’s streets. There were also other activities such as a fireworks display, Christmas caroling by blind musicians at strategic locations, and the lighting up of the street with Christmas lights.

Among the objectives that have been set are: 1.) Maintain the peace and order situation, 2.) Promote clean and green programs in the area, 3.) Light up the whole stretch of Colon and all intersecting streets, 3.) Improve the traffic flow in the area, 4.) Regulate the street vending business in the area, and; 5.) Initiate projects and programs designed to promote and advance the interest of all entrepreneurs and businessmen in the area.

Aside from that, the mayor had share his strategies and approaches as well. I especially liked his emphasis on this project since it won't be right to have something BEAUTIFUL and in CITTA DI MARE while the rest of the City will show a negative side of it. The project is necessary not only for cultural heritage appreciation, job generation but also involving stakeholders for this project to be successful, the mayor said.
Downtown Cebu Revitalization Project Downtown Cebu Revitalization Project Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, November 14, 2010 Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. if the mayor is serious on revitalizing Colon, he should improve traffic into and out of the city. make Colon accessible to people and NOT make it harder for them to visit the place by barring public vehicles from other cities.

    if he doesn't change his policies, Colon will die like most inner city's.
