What's up with the IE - Student lately?

As mentioned from the previous post, I was overcome by stress and was just drained. As you can see I’ve changed my Template/Layout Again!!! (3 times Layout Re-construction already - Hopefully the last time). Was browsing around the blogosphere and I saw most blogs with good content had simple layouts, nothing to fancy in terms of design so I decided to simplify mine and I also added a navigation bar at the top. With that I would like to hear your thoughts on this new layout.

And since I’m back, I’ll be blogging again yey!!!! It’s summer time and there are most definitely lots of things to talk, complain and rant about. Also I’ve been setting up our Department’s Weblog so I’ll be posting there too. Also I just refurbished the layout there and the like.

Also to those looking for the BlogRoll / Links Exchange, please click the Link above, the links are there and since I forgot to copy some of my previous linked blogs, please do inform me to put your site in the list since I lost my backup. A new template and a New start this summer!! Enjoy and Happy Blogging!!

What's up with the IE - Student lately? What's up with the IE - Student lately? Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Saturday, March 15, 2008 Rating: 5

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