Cebu Bloggers' Society (CBS)

Cebu Bloggers Society (CBS) was established to organize the Cebu-based bloggers.

The main objective of the group is to create an atmosphere of camaraderie with bloggers blogging about technology, politics, hobbies, food, travel and almost everything under the sun. If you're a Cebu-based blogger, join CBS and be one of us.


Cebu is one of the provinces of the Philippines. It lies to the east of Negros Island; to the west of Leyte and to the southeast is Bohol province. It is flanked on both sides by the straits of Bohol (between Cebu and Bohol) and TaƱon (between Cebu and Negros). Cebu is located between 9°25'N and 11°15'N latitude and between 123°13'E and 124°5'E longitude in the center of the archipelago.

Bloggers are people or persons who are blogging or posting some information either social, personal, technological and others.

Society is a grouping of individuals which is characterized by common interests and may have distinctive culture and institutions.

This post is to further promote the group and reach out to more Cebu based bloggers..

If interested, you may visit the group's e-group here

And the Group's website here (Soon)
Cebu Bloggers' Society (CBS) Cebu Bloggers' Society (CBS) Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, October 12, 2008 Rating: 5


  1. weeeeeeeeee! nagkita na gyud ang mga si-aw! este technologians d ai! haha

  2. Hi!

    Glad to know, we've met! Finally! Wow for the entry! Keep in touch!

  3. Hi there!

    nice to see you man! more meet-ups and more activities for us! yeah!

  4. Nice to meet you all as well!!! huh? si-aw? wahahahahahah
