Recovering From Blog Idle Time

More than a month without blogging has some dire consequences...

Obviously visitors to my site have almost cease to exist...well almost

Rankings will definitely go down

Blogging memory Lapse - after a month without blogging, it would seem I have missed alot from the blogosphere and the net; at the same time I even feel more of a noob now since I have forgotten how to navigate through my blog and have to re-learn/remember all this stuff related to blogging.

Now it's semestral break and I can now return to blogging...YEHEY!!

Stuff I did...

The previous link list disappeared so I made another one (*dunno where it went?)
And made blog posts of previous events?? for September events and stuff i did.
Thinking about making money online due to this world economic crisis we are in..
That's about it so far... I think.

Happy Blogging Again!!!!
Recovering From Blog Idle Time Recovering From Blog Idle Time Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, October 12, 2008 Rating: 5

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