Challenges for 2009
By that I mean challenges I set for myself...not some silly resolutions. My challenges are to:
Make Footsteps - I will not follow someone's footsteps or path but rather I will make my own
Exercise!! - Due to the holidays I have a bulging stomach gotta get rid of that!
Sleep early, wake-up early - Early to sleep, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise (I still want to grow!)
From a frustrated Environmentalist to a Not Frustrated one
Save money - be it by budgeting, Disciplining my food habits and the like
New clothes/style - I'm not that fashionable but I wanna have a new look for me this 09'
Learn How to cook - Who doesn't love to eat?
GRADUATE! - get me my Bachelor's Degree
Get a Job - after graduation what's next, rest? Time is Money
Separate my personal and Informational Blog - Transform this into an Informational blog and get me a wordpress, hosted and domained personal blog
Graduate from Young Minds Academy with Flying Colors - That'll be in August
Earn more Money Online - Do I need to say more?
Pursue my Business interests - Possibly both Online and Offline Business ventures
Maintain "To learn to say no" - After doing something, the hard part is maintaining it..
Have more Fun - we must balance our lives with F-U-N
Be Health-wise - Got some 20++ Cousins w/ Old people diseases..I don't want that!?
Be more spontaneous - A start of something new?
Be more God-Centered/Religious (I Learned this from S-Leadership, YMA Training)
I want me a GF !!!! - no comment..I just want one
"I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better." ~ Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
Note: Some of the "Challenges" may be a bit broad, but it is in order to give some flexibility (Ex. Make more money Online - This involves increasing my PR, Driving more traffic, more Quality Contents and the like.)
Challenges for 2009
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Friday, January 02, 2009
hahah! pareha ta bai.. at first its a want pero when i realiaed..i need GF because i found one!
ReplyDeleteBravo2x! il make one too soon...
ReplyDeleteAdd these challenges to your list:
Be more active in CBS offline.
Participate in Reach-out programs.
I think the most challenging there is to get a job that suits your lifestyle. And the easy one is to have a GF. Daghan chix sa cebu bai. Siaro wa kay ug Moduol na sila kung Engr. naka.. wakeke..
aw o sa sak2 nakalimtan nanako ang skedule sa CBS!!! wahahahaha chege lang na overwhelmed man gyud kos YMA kay plotted na ako skedules for the weekeds until august this year mao na nakalimtan ang CBS intawn....hay ang mga CHIX au kai puro narsing..managita og gwaa ug bryt ui maynta tagdun ta anang mga Miss cebu wahahahaha
ReplyDeleteMe too.. i've got many things to change..I want to be much closer with God..I want to focus on studies but still I have to make some love..ooops,dont think about the bad one...ahehe!
ReplyDeleteChanges make me a better person!!