Just because we are a third world country and "Poor", this fact doesn't exempt us from providing the needs of our own people as stated in our constitution. This also means that we cannot leave everything to our government, we too as better off citizens in our country can do our own part, even in our own little way to contribute or help.
We attended our own local Big Read Event: A Rally Against Illiteracy, which was organized by local NGOs like the CBE (Coalition for Better Education). Me, together with young minds academy - 3 scholars participated the event held yesterday at the capitol grounds.

We listened to stories, games, and a little Music courtesy of the BRIGHT Academy Grade school Band which was surprisingly awesome!

We listened to stories like: The Story of Cebu's Cultural Heritage, The Story of the Pencil by Paulo Coelho, Devli's Story, Ed & His Friend, Cassidy and Nelson Mandela's Speech.

One in five people around the world cannot do what you are doing right now – reading and writing.

Close to a billion illiterate people are missing out on more than this great book. They are missing out on an education – and that means the world’s poorest will stay poor. Unable to read or write, they will be trapped in a lifetime of poverty and will struggle to survive, to look after their relatives, to feed their families, and to put their children through school. It’s a simple fact that can be fixed. Everyone can be given the chance of a quality education.

774 million adults can not read this, and 75 million children who are not in school will be denied the chance to learn to read and write.

The Big Read Aims to collect the names of individuals who want change and to deliver the list of names to governments during the week of the 20th to 26th of April 2009 to demand that they take action to make sure that everyone has an education.

For more information you may visit: www.campaignforeducation.org

Spread the Word!
Our Own BIG READ Our Own BIG READ Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Rating: 5


  1. this event is really something!!! education is really a must to every individual...and this Big Read is like an oasis..

  2. so mao ni imu gka.nosebleed-an angkul (accdg. to your status sa YM)? ahahahahaha. anyway, the event was great ha! life would be different without education jd. nakz! hihihi. :P

  3. waaaaaaaaaaa! very worth attending seminar! hehehe
