Pre-Visayas Youth Summit

The Pre-Visayas Youth Summit is a 2 day activity which aims to reach out to youth groups in the visayas region in response to the challenges of our changing times. Since it is still a "pre" summit, a maximum of 2 representatives (leaders or heads) per organizations shall be accomodated. The Php200.00 registration fee covers the whole 2 day event of the Pre-Visayas Youth Summit.

•To create a common goal for the youth towards youth and community development
•To enhance competence, strengthen character and promote good citizenship for the development of leadership potentials and improvement of one’s capabilities

•Identify specific areas of involvement for the youth (e.g. environment, governance, education, health, poverty alleviation)
•Come up with long-term plans for the youth sector for the next year onwards
•Create youth core groups to be given with capacity-building
•Have a multi-sectoral youth participants during the Visayas Youth Summit
•Create a database of youth groups and members using social networks and modern ways of communication
•Identify core values and common identity among the youth groups
•Identify and create programs/action plans for the youths’ engagement

Groups/Organizations that may qualify:
•Sangguniang Kabataan
•School-based organizations esp. the Supreme Student Council/Government
•Out-of-School Youth organizations
•Youth achievers/awardees
•Community-based youth organizations
•Issue-based youth organizations
•Youth arms of different institutions

Activities Overview for the Pre-Visayas Youth Summit - Individual and group learning Games, Activities, Talks, and many more for two days!

What are you waiting for? Register now for the Pre-Visayas Youth Summit!
Pre-Visayas Youth Summit Pre-Visayas Youth Summit Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, November 15, 2009 Rating: 5

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