On Facebook's "like," why not "Dislike"

From facebook's shift from "Become a fan" to "Like" is somewhat weird for me. I was a fan of "Become a fan" option and as well as the "Like" button. Come on, think about it..do you want 'Fan Pages' or 'Like Pages'? So I say, why not go crazy and include there some "I Don't Like" or "Dislike" pages?

It's like they have ruined "Like" cause in itself, it is good in sharing in status/shout outs and I believe the 'Become a Fan' option was one of the reasons that makes Facebook, Facebook!

Have you looked on the official "facebook" and "facebook pages" fan pages? Sorry, "Like pages". NO ONE "likes" this at all. Tricking users into becoming fans via a "Like" button, is only going to anger them. "Join" or "Become a Fan" are very effective "call to action" buttons. This just makes things complicated since using "like" for two different functions ("liking" a picture, status, link etc) and "liking" a fan page, only confuses users.

Here are some Points raised by people who loved the change (Buddymedia CEO) : Facebook has also changed the "become a fan" button on Pages to "like".

- "The shift from 'Become a Fan' to 'Like' will decrease the friction and perceived user commitment to connecting with a brand as a fan. Every time a consumer will click 'Like' on a third-party website, that information will be published back to the user's Facebook news feed and profile and will appear in search results."

- "The common Facebook user has an average of 150 friends and each 'Like' will increase a brand's exposure to the friends of that user, ultimately increasing the number of connections the brand has."

- "The social plug-ins Facebook launched will infuse third-party websites with the personalized social context and social functionality of Facebook, such as commenting, liking, sharing and posting. For the first time, news feeds of social activity will live not just on Facebook, but will be extended to third-party websites."

- "Facebook and Zynga [the company behind Farmville and Mafia Wars] have shown us that users like to see what their friends are doing. By surfacing the 'friend' information on their own websites, brands will be able to make their properties more engaging and increase usage."

What do you think? Do you "LIKE" or "Dislike" this development?
On Facebook's "like," why not "Dislike" On Facebook's "like," why not "Dislike" Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Saturday, April 24, 2010 Rating: 5

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