This september, there will be a BIG Environmental Event which is Cebu EARTHDANCE 2010! The EARTHDANCE Cebu 2010 is one of the special Events in Cebu that aims to be a Global Festival for Peace and the Environment. In this local-global event, in 500 locations and 80 countries, EARTHDANCE will happen.

This Earthdance, a World Event, will be held on September 18-19, 2010 in Family Park Cebu City! If you attend Earthdance 2010, you will get to experience and know more about bike rally, environmental exhibits, green products, martial arts, yoga, art workshops, drum circles, massage, delicious whole foods, and much more!

About Earthdance:

A Global Collaboration Since 1997
Earthdance is the world's largest synchronized music and dance festival for peace. Since its inception, Earthdance has been held annually in over 500 locations in 80 countries with all events simultaneously joining together in the Prayer for Peace – a powerful moment of coherent intention. Each public Earthdance event commits 50% of its profits to a charity that falls into one of the following categories:

The Welfare of Children and Urban Youth
Indigenous Peoples and Cultures
International Relief and Development
Environmental Sustainability and Protection
Organizations that Promote Peace

Know more HERE!

The main highlight in EarthDance 2010 is the link-up of thousands of people around the world participating in a synchronized Prayer for Peace on Sunday the 19th at 7:00 am.

People from all walks of life are invited to the 2 days EarthDance Festival which this year bears the theme: "Embracing All Traditions".

EarthDance Cebu 2010 seeks to harmonize with this global platform to dissolve walls of separation and begin healing the spirit of the land.

Cebu's most talented musicians and artists have been invited to perform in this gathering for peace which will be aired live on electronic billboards in Cebu and online via

Activities lined up for this 32-hour experience include:
Interfaith Prayers
Interactive Art Installations
Drumming Circle
Traditional Indigenous Healing Therapies
Fire Dancing
Tai Chi
Children's Creative Space
Great Meditation Circle
Art Gallery
Eco-Wellness Workshops

Aside from that there will also be a Family Park Bicycle Rally starting in Ayala and Guadalupe River Clean-Up! Read more about it in EventGeek dot com!
EARTHDANCE Cebu 2010 EARTHDANCE Cebu 2010 Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Rating: 5

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