Leadership Training with USC-IE's

IE's referred here are Industrial Engineering students of the University of San Carlos - Talamban Campus (USC-TC) - Industrial Engineering Council, in which recently, I had the privilege of co/facilitating for their LTS (Leadership Training Seminar) for a day. I was one of two speakers/facilitators for the day, the other one is an professor of the said University as well (I guess you'll know him in the images shown later) :P.

Roaming around and Getting lost early Sunday morning at USC-TC :)
After the GTKY, the training began with My Sexy Back (LOL) - Likod-genic
This leadership training with IE's was something that I believe was one of those 'a long time coming' sort of situations. For some weird reason or perhaps call it chance or divine intervention, this year has been jammed-packed with new experiences, new perspectives and ridiculous surprise paradigm shifts for myself (I guess I'll have another crazy year ender post this year provided we survive the end of the mayan calendar); other instances I found myself are situations (like this) in which the silent desires of my heart from a long time ago are being fulfilled. 

self portrait..yes my only one for this event so LUMP OFF!
Doing a switch-a-roo; I now shifted to co-facilitating for the physical leadership-team games in the afternoon
USC-TC was my only choice for taking up a degree in Industrial Engineering but due to geographical factors and a ridiculous training in frugality I ended up in Cebu Institute of Technology (now CIT University) And here I find myself roaming the school grounds of the place where I wanted to be before, thinking 'what if?' but then I dragged myself back to reality--in which I thought and recalled my experiences as an IE; I had no regrets nonetheless.

having a huge campus has it's advantages -we proceeded to the chapel area to do our activities
afternoon facilitator Aldwin giving instructions to group leaders for their 'Rules of Engagement'
Tributes Ready! ~May the odds be ever in your favor!
This is a modified -football-ish~tag-'japanese' game forces teams to use creative tactics, patience and teamwork!
If you've been following my blogposts, this has been my 7th speaking engagement this year and the last one was in mid February (see SPEAKING for list and more info.), that's quite a long break I guess, for so many crazy things happened in the past months in which needs a separate blog post.

Next was a modified missiles-battleship-ish game which deals with team coordination, tactics, leadership, and trust
FORMATION! - a wide playing field in which silence is one's friend
Fire at will: Rocket away!
But this one was especially close to my heart <3 since these are 'MY PEEPS' you see. I named my presentation "LEADERx2" ahahhaha! And I used my own leadership journey as guide and basis to show them what I've been doing, my varied experiences in leadership namely: Business, running Start-Ups & Non-Profit Organizations,  Trailblazing, Volunteerism, Community activities/outreach, school and Professional realms. I gave them some simple tips to start or adjust their own leadership journey and shared to them some best, next and practical practices & applications of leadership thru a number of videos. I made my presentation VERY VISUALLY stimulating, attractive and direct to the point, well except one (How did I know? one of the participants messaged me and gave me feedback :D).

Helium hoop activity - a circular hoop with ridiculous technology that makes it fly away! And your task is to put it down together!! AHAHA  (This activity is google friendly :P)
The simplest activity ended in failure.
On the last image, the last activity was fairly the simplest one even if we factor in fatigue this was still doable and yet they failed. The helium hoop had the same purpose like the other games, to foster: Teamwork, coordination, communication, but with added factors such as fatigue and the like. This was simply a simulation of real-life application, it's not easy to be a leader, it will be filled with obstacles and many times one will definitely experience downs, as well as ups in short -KAPOI mag LEADERx2 DMD, Dili lalim!

Note: I was able to manage my expectations this time around since the 1st set of IE's that I co-facilitated with a 'Helium Stick' also failed in this activity as well. Follow instructions. Don't Overthink. Use common sense. I dunno why this is happening though.

That is why most critics of social enterprise, development, outreach activities and of our own government cannot or perhaps are not in the position to uplift this country simply because they themselves have not been tested, indeed it is not easy to build a nation. I gave them a quote early in the morning and in deed it came true.
"In my observation of our own culture, most Filipinos are poor, and are having so much problems because we are defeated first in the mind, before we are able to act, fix, to work-on, to initiate in tackling a particular task, challenge, problem, obstacle or the like. We spend so much time talking sometimes, that we forget, that there are only two ways to get things done in this world: to decide, and then do it."
Found this via facebook:  Despite the 'low' ending of the activity, You will learn more in failure than in success. Fail Hard, Fail Fast, Learn and Get Back Up! Kumbati IEs!!

"There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." - Denis Waitley
Leadership Training with USC-IE's Leadership Training with USC-IE's Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, September 30, 2012 Rating: 5

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