Born to rise
Holy Week (“Mahal na Araw” or “Semana Santa”) is a significant religious observance for the Roman Catholics and Protestants in the Philippines. Many of us may go on leave and spend time with the family to do the various religious activities and traditions while some will take this opportunity to go on a vacation to chill, party or even have relationship goals.
Being the lazy and cheap person that I am, I opted for a staycation and spent my holy week in ‘reflection’. My so-called reflection included reading light novels, watching movies and motivational videos I stumbled upon while meditating.
I reflected on the prayer for generosity I learnt during my innocent days in the Jesuit education system. Life was much simpler then, and I was even more thankful then compared to today.
“You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.” - 2 Corinthians 9:11
Why does God bless you with riches? So you can share these riches generously with those in need and in so doing you can bring thanksgiving to God. Riches may not necessarily mean money, it could be your talents, skills, even your presence.
What if I told you that we could all be heroes, right where we are?
You don’t need super powers, all you really need is to act on your desire to care.
“I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” – Matthew 17:20, NIV
In scripture, many heroes of faith started out at the very bottom and they didn’t live a life of great exploits every day. Like Noah who built an ark, Joseph the dreamer, and many more. Choose to shake off the old; choose to forgive and be in the new. Take your eyes off your circumstances, like Noah, keep the faith in the normal days when he was building the ark until his time to shine came when the rain fell; and like Joseph, declare that it’s time to get out of the pit and begin the journey to rise to the top.
As someone created in His image and likeness, you were simply not created to be average. You were not created to barely get by and drag through life. You have seeds of greatness inside of you. Hold your head up high and think like a victor, know that any adversity in your life is not permanent but rather temporary for it is only a matter of time for things to turn around in your favor.
No matter what your circumstances may look like today (sad, happy, confused, or jaded), God’s plan is to bring you through to a place of abundance. He wants to resurrect your spirit, your hopes, goals, dreams, relationships and every aspect of your life.
He wants you to have an overflowing abundance of peace, joy and resources (investments, business) so you too can be a blessing to the people around you.
The writer is an RFP® - registered financial planner of RFP PH, Licensed Real Estate Broker and Director of CERTA, Inc., a family estate planning and investment advisory firm. To know more, please visit
Born to rise
Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go
Saturday, April 22, 2017

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