Social Enterprise Talk

I was recently requested to do a Talk on Social Enterprising by my Almamater and IE Department (before the classes stopped). This was for the benefit of the Feasibility Study Class which was interested in applying not only what they have learned in that subject but also learn new strategies and methods in doing more sustainable and collaborative projects with target communities for livelihood ventures.

The title I selected was within my range of knowledge which was Social Development +/- Business = Social Enterprise.

I am not really a full-fledged Entrepreneur but I am really trying to aspire to be a Social Entrepreneur. I am basing what I know from the Trainings and Exposure I had with the Ayala Foundation and Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc.. I learned and was exposed to Social Development projects and methods through the Young Minds Academy and other related programs such as the Triennials Exchange Program Series 7 with the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc.. For the Business side, I participated this year's TechBootCamp 2010 by the Ayala Foundation Inc. in partnership with Filipinnovation and DOST 7.

Feasibility Study IE Students
I had quite the trouble collating and integrating topics into one while using my integration skills I got from being an Industrial Engineer. It just goes to show that Social Enterprising or Doing businesses with a cause or profiteering while doing some good is definitely easier said than done.

This was also another opportunity for me to share my experiences via the Triennials Exchange Series 7 including the Flow Talk Movement concepts in CIT University Industrial Engineering Students.

This was in the new~IE Multi-purpose Room
I started off talking and giving the tips I learned in the TechBootCamp 2010 with regards to business and where to find funds if they are truly serious in pursuing there proposed projects. After that I emphasized on ASSET Mapping strategies in the Social Development side in data gathering and knowing the "Assets" of their beneficiary or target community rather that proposing things all the time or out of no-where.

Well I had some degree of feeling that the concepts I introduced to them are quite new and perhaps even paradigm shifting but I think it was more nose-bleeding for them. I just hope they were able to understand and learn from that 3-hour talk I gave (which was by far the longest one I have done :D)

SPECIAL THANKS to the CIT University IE Department and Students for the time and invite for this Social Enterprise Talk!

Social Development +/- Business = Social Enterprise

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Social Enterprise Talk Social Enterprise Talk Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Sunday, December 19, 2010 Rating: 5

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