Cebu Blog Camp Lessons Learned

I made a post about the 1st Cebu Blog Camp this May 2010 in which I shall be reflecting and sharing now my Cebu Blog Camp Lessons Learned. The event was fun, educational and full of bloggers from Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

Cebu Blog Camp Lessons Learned (Coded):

1. Mada Mada Dane ~ (Nihonggo Desu!) XD

2. Some are born great, others achieve greatness and yet for some have greatness thrust upon them..

3. An overview of Blogging Culture in Luzon and Mindanao ;)

4. I need a checklist next time as to what to bring and what to do to maximize the listening of the talk, taking pictures/notes, schedule management, and the like.

5. I need to stalk these Influential Bloggers since I'm really clueless ..sorry

6. An opportunity to shape the Visayan Offline blogging Culture

7. Don't carry to much freebies, especially if you commute for 16 kilometers from the city

8. I still need to improve my observation skills but I still got lots of pertinent Information >:)

9. I learned a lot from the Organizers too (*wink wink) like a whole looooooooooooot

10. After learning the art of stalking I need to learn networking as well

11. Slithering and sneaking are skills I need to improve too!

12. Need to level up my camwhoring skills..Next time must get a pic per Influential Blogger ^_^

13. Wordpress talk by Hans was nosebleeding but somehow understood it anyway.

14. Ms. Janette's talk was an eyeopener

15. There are bloggers who admire other bloggers and there are also FAN bloggers

16. Historic! Good things, bad things..Only I know! you know! HAHAHA read back up this is Coded.

17. Talks on Blogging, Advocacy, Community, Ethics = _l¯¯lO. . .(Worship)

18. KAIZEN, yaHA! Cebu Blog Camp 2011? Why not the world will end on 2012 @_@

Cam-whoring 101

Fan: I'm your Number One #1 FAN, will you ma...nvm >;)

Celebrity Blogger Nowieh and Fan Justein

Congratulations and thank you to the organizers, volunteers, and thank you so very much to the sponsors (Freebies) and guests (for the company and chit chats - I learned a lot). Sasusunod! That's it for the Cebu Blog Camp Lessons Learned!

Photo Credit: Winston Almendras, Jorich Ponio & Vernon Go
Cebu Blog Camp Lessons Learned Cebu Blog Camp Lessons Learned Reviewed by Vernon Joseph Go on Thursday, May 27, 2010 Rating: 5


  1. The Cebu Blog Camp was a great event! Congratulations and many more blog camps to come ;)

  2. That looks like an awesome event! Got here from X's blog.

  3. Glad to meet you there! :)

    We all learned a lot.

  4. The Cebu Blog Camp was a great event! Congratulations and many more blog camps to come ;)

  5. Thank you for your feedback. For sure, there will be Cebu Blog Camp 2011! And we are targeting to double the numbers next year.
